Posts tagged with "OSX"

Unhide hidden ~/Library in OSX Mountain Lion


Unhide hidden ~/Library in OSX Mountain Lion: chflags nohidden ~/Library For some reason in OS X Lion+ Apple hides the Library folder that normally appears in a User’s Home folder. To permanently reveal the folder in the Finder again, pop open Terminal, and pas...

Install ImageMagicK on OSX Lion

Yay! Not only has Apple taken us a few steps back in terms of the operating system, but they've also broken my favorite memory-leaking image-manipulation tool - ImageMagick! Thankfully, I've come up with a way to get it working again (although the process is sl...

Disable Apple Mail animations in OSX Mountain Lion

Are you annoyed that you need to wait almost 3 seconds for the stupid Apple Mail animation to complete when replying/forwarding a message? Thankfully you can turn off that behavior with a little command line: defaults write DisableReplyAnimations...