Disable Apple Mail animations in OSX Mountain Lion

Are you annoyed that you need to wait almost 3 seconds for the stupid Apple Mail animation to complete when replying/forwarding a message? Thankfully you can turn off that behavior with a little command line: defaults write com.apple.Mail DisableReplyAnimations...

Introducing Powify

A few days ago, I wrote Powify - a simple gem for managing 37 Signal's POW. POW is an easy-to-use local Rack server capable of running any rack application under a specified local domain (defaulting to .dev) [Disclaimer - POW is Mac-only]

Goodbye .htaccess, Hello Rails

Remember the good old days of PHP? Mastering a redirect was nearly impossible without complicated PHP code or writing a server instruction (.htaccess). Let's take a minute to examine the past and present, and then compare and contrast some of the advantages and...

Show generated SQL in Rails 3 console

Have you ever wanted to see the resulting SQL of a query in Rails console? Well, unfortunately there's not really an 'easy' way to do this, other than hacking the console, so here we go. Fire up your Rails console. I'm using Rails 3, but this should would in <3...

UI > functionality in initial webapps

I am a firm believer that UI should always supersede functionality, especially in the case of new webapps. People generally lash out when I say such things, but when you're starting a small company or launching a new product, a fully functional website does you...